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Progress Over Perfection: Embracing The Wabi-Sabi Philosophy.

Natasha Musa 2 min read
Progress Over Perfection: Embracing The Wabi-Sabi Philosophy.
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

When it comes to writing, I'm a perfectionist.

Every piece of content I write goes through edits 1000 times over because I feel it can be better and perfected before I hit publish.

I think this stems from a fear of publishing less-than-perfect content, the fear that someone will point out a flaw in my writing. My lack of confidence is probably rooted in the fact that English is my second language. This perfectionist approach has been a deterrent for me to post consistently because I focus way too long on perfecting one piece of content before I work on another.

But recently, I came across the term Wabi-Sabi, and I thought it was a philosophy that should be embraced, not just by digital writers but also by those who constantly strive for perfection.

Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese philosophy that celebrates the art of finding beauty in imperfection and embracing the transient nature of life.

Quite simply, Wabi-Sabi translates to finding beauty in imperfection. Wabi signifies simplicity and humility, while Sabi is about embracing the beauty that comes with age and the passage of time.

"Wabi-Sabi is the beauty in all things incomplete, imperfect, and impermanent." - Baum-kuchen.

The central idea of Wabi-Sabi is to value imperfection and to appreciate the beauty in things that are not perfect.

It can be paralyzing to constantly seek perfection from oneself. The Wabi-Sabi philosophy is a great reminder to embrace imperfections, find joy in the journey rather than focusing on the destination, and celebrate the small, often overlooked victories.

Implementing the Wabi-Sabi philosophy means striving for excellence while accepting that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process, which could most likely lead to more creative and/or fulfilling outcomes. Done is often better than perfect, as it allows for progress, feedback, and growth.

Whether in my writing, my professional life, or my personal life, I think Wabi-Sabi is profoundly relevant.

Wabi-sabi encourages us to find beauty in our writing flaws. It’s about celebrating progress over perfection and understanding that each piece of content is a step in our continuous journey of growth.

It's a concept I am embracing in my journey, not just as a digital writer but also in other aspect of my life, both professionally and personally.

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