Digital Branding

One Thing Most Digital Writers Fail To Do To Gain Traction On Social Media.

Natasha Musa 1 min read
One Thing Most Digital Writers Fail To Do To Gain Traction On Social Media.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 / Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what successful digital writers are doing right on social media to gain high numbers of followers on their respective platforms?

I mean, look at the numbers:

This is something I've often wondered about, both as an aspiring digital writer and a marketer. What can we learn from digital writers to create an engaging and impactful online presence that builds a strong following?

After observing and learning from digital writers for the past few years, the one thing they are doing that helps to build an audience is:


Digital writers...

  1. Identify one problem they could help solve.
  2. Continuously create content that prioritises solutions to address that one problem.
  3. Actively engage with the audience to better understand their challenges and provide more solutions to overcome them.

According to Kieran Drew:

"The golden rule of storytelling is remembering you are not the hero. Your reader is."

Most digital writers view social media as an announcement platform, highlighting milestones and personal success. While this is a great way to share progress, if you want to create valuable content and build meaningful relationships with your audience, you need to be able to tell personal stories that can also help your audience advance themselves.

The harsh truth is that the readers do not care about you, but they care about what you can do for them, and successful digital writers know this.

As Dickie Bush once said:

"You, the writer, are completely and utterly irrelevant. The reader does not care about you, how much time you spent, or how much effort went into it; all they care about is what it can do for them."

If your aim in writing online is to share your content and engage with a broader audience, reviewing your strategy and creating valuable content that addresses a specific problem is a better way to connect and engage with the audience.

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