Book Talk

Linked by Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling.

Natasha Musa 4 min read
Linked by Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling.

I came across this book while researching about LinkedIn so that I could have a better understanding of the professional networking platform.

"Linked: Conquer LinkedIn. Get Your Dream Job. Own Your Future." is a comprehensive guide to optimising presence on the professional platform and navigating the current digital hiring landscape. Written by former LinkedIn insiders Omar Garriot and Jeremy Schifeling, this book provides invaluable insights for job seekers, regardless of whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional. LinkedIn has become more than just a platform for connecting with colleagues - it's become a tool for career advancement or professional opportunities.

Garriot and Shifeling share insider tips and strategies to help navigate LinkedIn by providing an in-depth understanding. This opens up the opportunity to leverage LinkedIn effectively to positively impact job search and overall career trajectory.

Insights from Linked: The Five-Step Process to Unlock Your Career Potential on LinkedIn.

Understanding the modern hiring process is essential before we go into the strategy.

The job market has shifted online, and LinkedIn is central to connecting job seekers with potential employers. Recruiters increasingly rely on digital platforms to find and evaluate candidates. Job seekers must create a distinct professional brand on LinkedIn to stand out.

But why LinkedIn?

"LinkedIn simply has no true competitor. With more than 770 million global members and more than 180 million in the United States alone, LinkedIn is the most efficient and effective place for you to focus your energy - whether you're actively looking for a job or keeping one eye half open for new opportunities." - Linked.

Garriott and Shifeling state that LinkedIn is the default tool for job hirers and job seekers, and thus, if we want our profile to stand out in this new digital environment, a personal brand is no longer a nice-to-have but a necessity. According to CareerBuilder and The Harris Poll study, 20% of employers expect job candidates to have an online presence. Additionally, 47% of employers are less likely to invite candidates for interviews if they cannot find any information about them online.

In today’s digital age, having a well-managed online presence is necessary, and in Garriott and Shefeling's book, they outline a five-step framework: Explore, Position, Search, Network and Research to help advance your online presence.

The five-step process outlined is a strategic guide for effectively utilising LinkedIn in your job search and career development.

Let's break down each step:

  1. Explore: This process involves identifying your goals and understanding your professional landscape so that you can focus on the kind of people, companies or groups you want to connect with.
  2. Position: Craft a clear personal brand and position yourself as an expert to stand out in a cluttered digital environment and attract the right connections. This includes your social media profiles and how you present yourself online.
  3. Search: This step is about using LinkedIn's features to actively seek out the right people, employers and, ultimately, opportunities with the techniques that give you the best chance of landing an interview.
  4. Networking: This process is about initiating communications, growing your connections, building relationships and nurturing your professional connections.
  5. Research: The ongoing step is to gather insights and learn more about companies, roles, and industry trends to seal the deal or get the information required before accepting a job.

Quick Review

Whether you are actively job searching or keeping one eye open or even if you want to use LinkedIn to build your professional brand, Linked is a good book to start with.

This book provides an in-depth understanding of LinkedIn and the features we should utilise to optimise our profile. With the actionable steps provided by both Garriot and Schifeling, you can:

  • Learn to create a distinct professional brand showcasing your unique value proposition and expertise on LinkedIn so that recruiters come to you.
  • Learn to master LinkedIn's features, which recruiters use, and the features and tools you can tap into to impact your career.
  • Discover strategies to hack the search algorithms to improve your chances of standing out.
  • Learn to become a master networker and turn anyone into a referral to increase chances of landing job interviews.

I recommend anyone who wants to understand how LinkedIn works pick this book up, read it, and act on the steps provided.

LinkedIn is a dynamic platform for building relationships, showcasing expertise, and unlocking opportunities using the strategies provided.

Favourite Quotes

  • "... you want to be in "Permanent Beta" when it comes to your career. You are never a finished product, and you learn by doing and trying."
  • "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman
  • "But the very first thing to realize about recruiters is that they are humans. And like all humans, they're built to love stories."
  • "Simply put, your story is your professional brand."
  • "You cut through the noise only by being found, and someday even known, for a specific thing."
  • "Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." - William Jennings Bryan
  • "Speed bumps. Not roadblocks."
  • "Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own." - Michelle Obama
  • "... your LinkedIn profile - i.e, your 24/7 resume -they'll be working hard for you every single day, all day long."
  • "Connection is why we're here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives." - Brene Brown
  • "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung
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