Digital Branding

From Lurker To Learner: Why I'm Starting A Journey Writing On LinkedIn.

Natasha Musa 2 min read
From Lurker To Learner: Why I'm Starting A Journey Writing On LinkedIn.
Photo by Souvik Banerjee / Unsplash

Can you believe I have been lurking on LinkedIn since 2009?

Well, I won't be a LinkedIn lurker anymore!

For many years, I viewed LinkedIn as a platform only for job-related postings and catching up on industry updates. I have never considered LinkedIn and much prefer X (formerly known as Twitter) to write and connect with others. Lately, however, my perception of LinkedIn has shifted. I've found myself increasingly drawn to the platform.

After years of scrolling through updates on LinkedIn, I'm finally diving into the journey of writing and sharing knowledge on the largest professional networking platform.

Here's why:

  • Professional Connection & Growth: LinkedIn isn't just another social platform. It's a hub for professionals to connect, learn, and grow. While X was a great platform to communicate with a diverse set of people, as a digital marketer, LinkedIn is the perfect place to engage with other professionals in my field for meaningful conversations.
  • Building a Network of Learners: One of the driving forces behind my decision to explore writing on LinkedIn is the opportunity to share knowledge. Knowledge is power, but shared knowledge is even better. The beauty of knowledge sharing is that it's a two-way street. By sharing my thoughts in public, I gain feedback and diverse viewpoints from other professionals. Through my writing, I hope to connect with fellow learners, exchange ideas, and expand my horizons.
  • Creating Value: I've always enjoyed sharing my knowledge on X, and there is a deep sense of satisfaction when you can help others advance themselves. Sharing my knowledge on LinkedIn allows me to contribute to the digital marketing community. If my writing helps someone navigate a tricky situation as a digital marketer or inspires them to explore a new area, I see it as a valuable contribution to the community.
  • Building a Personal Brand: I have been writing on X for many years as a hobby. However, it wasn't until I read Mark Schaefer's "Known" that I decided to take my writing pursuit seriously to carve out a niche, build a personal brand and explore new opportunities.

My decision to pursue writing and sharing knowledge on LinkedIn is rooted in a deep passion for continuous learning and growth. LinkedIn is a goldmine for resources and insights from professionals in my field. I look forward to embracing the journey of continuous learning from others, engaging in discussions, and contributing to the digital marketing community.

While writing online is not new to me, writing on LinkedIn is definitely a new experience. I'm hoping to be able to share what I've learned from this journey of writing on LinkedIn and cover other topics related to personal branding, as well as digital writing.

But before I jump into writing on LinkedIn, I will take the next couple of months to research the platform a bit more and share what I have learned here. I hope it will help someone else out there, too.

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