Digital Branding

Building Your Digital Writing Portfolio: Why the Long Game Matters.

Natasha Musa 4 min read
Building Your Digital Writing Portfolio: Why the Long Game Matters.
Photo by Clemens van Lay / Unsplash

Whether you are writing to build a personal brand or build your business, be ready to play the long game.

"Long game is where it's at. Your lack of patience will fuck you over." - Gary Vaynerchuck

A couple of years ago, I completed courses from two digital creators, Ali Abdaal and Justin Welsh.

Both shared learnings on building a content-based business on their chosen platforms. Both stressed that content creation is a long game regardless of format. What have they done to scale up their business to the success level it's at today?

  1. They consistently create valuable content addressing the audience's pain points.
  2. They deepen the relationship through newsletters and audience engagement.
  3. They build trust because they provide value first before $$$.

These creators excel at creating content that resonates, engages, and grows their audience. More impressively, they grew their business purely through content with minimal to zero marketing budgets.

Here's how it's impacted their business:

  • Ali Abdaal has over 2 million YouTube subscribers, and Justin Welsh has over 220k followers on LinkedIn. Their newsletter subscription numbers are equally impressive.
  • In 2021, Abdaal made $3.5M, and Welsh made $1.3M.

Here's The Thing: They Did Not Achieve Success Overnight.

Once, I asked my kids what they wanted to be when they grow up.

They told me they wanted to be a YouTuber. I have no problems with that, but my kids and likely most of us get caught up in the allure of success from watching our favourite creator. However, many need to realise that established creators do not succeed overnight. If you're serious about establishing yourself or your business through digital writing, you must be prepared to play the long game. Here's why patience, persistence, and a strategic approach are your best allies.

1. Consistency is Key

Consistency is one of the most critical aspects of building a digital writing portfolio. This means regularly publishing content, whether blog posts, articles, or social media updates. Consistency helps you build a loyal audience who knows they can rely on you for regular, valuable content. It also signals to search engines that your site is active, which can improve your SEO rankings.

2. Embrace Experimentation

Digital writing is a dynamic field, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats, styles, and platforms. Try writing long-form articles, short social media posts, or video scripts. Experimentation keeps your content fresh and helps you discover what resonates most with your audience.

3. Learn from Others

Follow successful digital writers and learn from their strategies. Creators that I love to learn from are Dickie Bush, Jeff Goins, and Pat Flynn have paved the way with their unique approaches to personal branding and content creation. Analyse their work, understand their strategies, and adapt their techniques to fit your style and goals.

4. Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is what sets you apart from other writers. It’s your unique voice, style, and perspective. Invest time developing a strong personal brand that reflects who you are and what you stand for. This includes creating a professional website, maintaining an active presence on social media, and engaging with your audience.

5. Network and Collaborate

Networking is crucial in the digital writing world. Connect with other writers, editors, and influencers in your niche. Join writing communities, attend webinars, and participate in online forums. Collaboration can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable feedback, and help you grow as a writer.

6. Be Patient and Persistent

Success in digital writing doesn’t happen overnight. Building an audience, establishing your brand, and seeing the fruits of your labour takes time. Be patient and stay persistent. Celebrate small victories and keep pushing forward, even when progress seems slow.

7. Invest in Continuous Learning

The digital landscape constantly evolves, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential. Invest in courses, read industry blogs, and follow thought leaders. Continuous learning will keep your skills sharp and your content relevant.

Learn from the Journeys of Successful Writers.

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is a prime example of a digital writer who took time to establish himself. He started his career by founding BrainQUICKEN, an internet-based nutritional supplements business. During this time, he experimented with various productivity hacks and lifestyle optimisations, which later became the foundation for his writing. His breakthrough came with the publication of “The 4-Hour Workweek” in 2007, which quickly gained popularity. Ferriss’ success resulted from years of experimentation, learning, and refining his ideas. Following the success of his book, he continued to build his personal brand through blogging, podcasting, and public speaking. His journey underscores the importance of patience, persistence, and continuous learning.

Mark Manson

Mark Manson, author of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” began his writing career by blogging about personal development and life experiences. He spent years building his blog and audience before achieving mainstream success. Manson’s journey illustrates the importance of finding your voice and staying true to your message. His consistent effort and authentic approach eventually led to his recognition as a leading voice in the self-help genre.

Establishing your digital writing portfolio is a journey that requires dedication, resilience, and a willingness to adapt. By playing the long game, you’ll build a sustainable career and create a lasting impact with your words. Every piece of content you create is a step towards your ultimate goal.

Note to self since I plan to start writing on LinkedIn: Keep writing, keep learning, and stay consistent.

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