Book Talk

5 Must-Read Books To Elevate Your LinkedIn Presence.

Natasha Musa 3 min read
5 Must-Read Books To Elevate Your LinkedIn Presence.

I've been obsessing over LinkedIn and trying to learn as much as possible about the platform.

Recently, I've been immersing myself in a wealth of resources, from insightful podcasts featuring Jasmic Alić to Justin Welsh's transformative LinkedIn OS course. I've also just finished reading Linked by Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling. In this blog post, though, I'm sharing five books I've found that have the potential to revolutionise your LinkedIn journey.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, I hope these recommendations will help you get a positive start on writing and building your brand on LinkedIn.

Here are the five books that can help you level up your game on the platform:

  1. "Linked: Conquer LinkedIn. Get Your Dream Job. Own Your Future." by Omar Garriott and Jeremy Schifeling.

While I think this book is more appropriate for job seekers, it's still an excellent book to start with if you're looking to build a personal brand on LinkedIn. Written by former LinkedIn insiders, this book provides an in-depth guide by decoding LinkedIn step-by-step to empower professionals to win in the job search game. Learn how to build a distinct brand, think like recruiters, and tap into the power of networking.

As mentioned earlier, I've just finished reading this book, you can find my summary here.

  1. "LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide" by Sandra Long.

This is my current read, and while I'm not even 100 pages in, I like it so far.

Sandra's book uniquely addresses how to build one's personal brand on the LinkedIn platform. What I can see so far from the content is that it offers best practices, real examples and case studies to optimise your LinkedIn profile, attract prospects, and become a thought leader. This book directly addresses what I want to achieve on LinkedIn, and I hope to be able to share what I have learned and actions taken from the book once I'm done.

  1. "The LinkedIn Branding Book: The Power of Two" by Michelle B. Griffin and Michelle J. Raymond.

I stumbled upon these two ladies while looking for podcasts to listen to for my morning walks.

Michelle Griffin and Michelle Raymond run a podcast called The LinkedIn Branding Show, which covers topics related to business and personal brand building on LinkedIn. I love their content because they come across as genuinely wanting to help female entrepreneurs succeed by levelling up their presence on LinkedIn. Their book emphasises the power of putting yourself out there, foundational branding steps, and strategies to build a personal or business brand. 

  1. "60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery: The Entrepreneur, Executive, and Employee’s Guide to Optimize Your Profile, Make Meaningful Connections, and Create Compelling Content . . . In Just 15 Minutes a Day" by Josh Steimle

Could this book title be shorter? I think it could have, but let's not focus on that right now. This book by Josh Steimle covers a 60-day structured approach with tips and exercises to help maximise your LinkedIn profile, engage with your network, and create meaningful connections.

  1. "LinkedIn Personal Branding & Marketing: The Complete Learning Guide" by Patricia Will.

Ok, this book only launched in September of 2023. It's new and has no ratings yet on Amazon or Goodreads, so I can't tell if this book is good. However, in this guide, Patricia aims to help you discover new opportunities, enhance your brand, and network effectively with actionable strategies. Despite the lack of rating, I still intend to invest in this title.

Most of these books are NOT available in Malaysia, not even in Kindle e-book format, and with the weakened currency rate, I am literally paying an arm and a leg to purchase these books from Amazon. Why are these books not available in any of the local stores? I guess it's just a gripe I have to live with.

If you liked this list of books, maybe you would like to read my recommended list of 7 online courses I found to help you level up your presence on LinkedIn.

In the meantime, happy reading!

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