Digital Branding

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Writing On LinkedIn.

Natasha Musa 2 min read
3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Writing On LinkedIn.
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I've been ignoring LinkedIn for far too long.

I was unsure whether to move my focus from X to LinkedIn until I found some interesting stats recently. I'm now convinced that there is an opportunity for anyone to make an impact on LinkedIn. I'm not going to throw 1001 stats at you to convince you there is an opportunity to grow on LinkedIn, but if you're into digits, you can read the stats here, here and here.

What I wanted to share with you, though, are three facts I thought were interesting about LinkedIn and why I'm now convinced this is the right platform to build a brand presence in 2024:

  1. LinkedIn is the most trusted social platform.

Did you know LinkedIn is one of the most trusted social platforms?

I came across this info from Omar Garriott's Linked. The fact that LinkedIn consistently ranks as the most trusted social media platform has significant implications for your strategy. Why does this matter? It matters because you will be present on a site its users trust.

It means the network you're connecting with is likely more credible and professional than other social media sites. It also represents an opportunity to strengthen your brand position as an authority by being present and associated with a trusted platform.

  1. Only 1% of LinkedIn users share content.

The fact that only 1% of users create content means that with such a small percentage actively creating content, there's content scarcity on LinkedIn, and this gives us who are new to content creation an opportunity to stand out by contributing valuable content.

The rarity of content creators on LinkedIn provides an opportunity to be a part of the 1% by consistently publishing high-quality content and sharing valuable insights to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and elevate your brand's influence.

  1. LinkedIn's Organic Reach Is Better Than Other Social Platforms.

If you're glued to what is happening on social media, you'll know there is a decline in organic reach on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

However, 40% of LinkedIn's visitors engage organically with a page weekly, indicating an active user base. 77% of marketers believe that LinkedIn produces the best organic results. This could mean you'd have a higher chance of reaching and resonating with your audience.

LinkedIn's strong organic engagement and effectiveness make it a valuable platform to build a personal brand. When you invest time and effort into strategically creating and sharing content, engaging with your network and positioning yourself as an expert, you will likely see better returns than other platforms to enhance your reputation.

It's fertile ground for brand visibility.

These facts indicate that LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to build a solid professional brand. While I won't say goodbye to my Twitter account anytime soon, I am definitely open to exploring LinkedIn for professional growth and brand elevation.

Leaving you with a quote from my latest read, Linked by Omar Garriott:

"LinkedIn simply has no true competitors. With more than 770 million global members and more than 180 million in the United States alone, LinkedIn is the most efficient and effective place for you to focus your energy - whether you're actively looking for a job or keeping one eye half open for new opportunities."
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