Digital Branding

7 Online Courses To Level Up Your Presence On LinkedIn.

Natasha Musa 4 min read
7 Online Courses To Level Up Your Presence On LinkedIn.
Photo by Zyro / Unsplash

2024 is the year that I intend to level up on LinkedIn.

I want to avoid making the same mistakes on LinkedIn I made when I started writing on Twitter, now known as X of course. I have been writing on X since 2009 and approached it as a hobby. I have no system, no plan, and I definitely have no consistency.

Looking back, if I had approached writing on X more seriously, I would have had a solid personal brand by now.

Acknowledging my mistakes, I've decided to learn as much as possible about LinkedIn and personal branding before I start writing on the platform. As a dedicated knowledge seeker and a self-confessed courseholic, I have searched the web and found resources that could help plan, strategise and implement an effective personal branding strategy on LinkedIn.

In this blog post, I've outlined seven online courses available for anyone wanting to start creating leverage for themselves on LinkedIn.

Online Courses for Personal Branding on LinkedIn

Personal Branding on LinkedIn

  1. LinkedIn OS
  2. Boosting Your Personal Brand with LinkedIn

Personal Branding Mastery

  1. Personal Branding Masterclass
  2. Learning Personal Branding
  3. Personal Branding- Be Seen As a Celebrity in Your Niche


  1. The 2-Hour Writer
  2. Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

About the Courses

Personal Branding on LinkedIn.

There are quite a few courses that cover personal branding specifically for LinkedIn. However, I've narrowed down only two that I think provide comprehensive content and have received positive feedback from students:

  1. LinkedIn OS by Justin Welsh

You can't start this list without mentioning Justin Welsh's LinkedIn OS.

If you are unfamiliar with Justin, he has an active presence on LinkedIn, sharing valuable insights on entrepreneurship and personal development. Justin built his personal brand and his business-of-one on LinkedIn. The LinkedIn OS course helps professionals maximise their presence on the professional platform.

This is currently the only course I've found to be the most popular and comprehensive, outlining what you need to kick-start building a personal brand specifically on LinkedIn.

  1. Boosting Your Personal Brand with LinkedIn by Shadé Zahrai

This course is available on LinkedIn and is quite popular with the LinkedIn community.

An ex-lawyer turned career coach and LinkedIn influencer with an impressive following, Shadé's course outlines how to craft your brand to help you grow and gain recognition. While the course is more on personal branding and has only one module on how to grow on LinkedIn, I found her online personality engaging and hope to learn something from her course.

Personal Brand Mastery.

Unlike personal branding courses specifically for the LinkedIn platform, general personal branding courses are aplenty on the World Wide Web (do people still call it WWW, or is it just me showing my age?).

I've shortlisted three to help you master personal branding:

  1. Personal Branding Masterclass by Mark Schaefer

You would likely have heard about Mark Schaefer if you're a marketer.

I have been following Mark on Twitter for several years now, and I love his marketing insights and point of view. While Mark is a well-known marketing consultant, he also encourages people to build a personal brand. Mark's Personal Branding Masterclass has been on my wish list for some time, but the high price (mainly the USD to MYR conversion) will surely kill my bank account.

If you're like me and can't afford the course price tag, I'd highly recommend you read Mark's book "Known".

  1. Learning Personal Branding by Silviu Marisk

Justin Welsh recommended this course, which was comprehensive, covering everything you need to start working on your personal brand.

According to Justin, this course bridges the gap from theory to practice and provides actionable tips to implement your personal brand.

  1. Personal Branding- Be Seen As a Celebrity in Your Niche by Tracy A. Hanes and Alex Ganadinik

This is another course recommended by Justin Welsh, which teaches you to be known in your niche.

This course was interesting because, really, I don't aim to be famous like Kim Kardashian when I start building my brand; I want to be a rock star in my niche. This course would suit anyone wanting to be known within a specific category.


Having the strategies in place to build your personal brand won't be complete without learning how to write effectively to engage and build your audience. Here are two writing courses to help you effectively communicate on LinkedIn:

  1. The 2-Hour Writer by Dan Koe

In the 2-Hour Writer, Dan shares all his frameworks and strategies to be an influential writer online. Dan has built a community of 400k followers on X and more than 100k followers on LinkedIn, all through his effective writing strategies. The 2-Hour Writer course has also been on my wish list for some time, and I plan to take it up sometime this year.

  1. Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn by Daniel Roth

I found this course on LinkedIn and thought the modules could teach me how to write effectively and ensure my voice stands out in the LinkedIn clutter.

His course covers everything from what you should write about to how to draft headlines, manage comments, and share content on LinkedIn effectively.

Other resources:

  • Another writing course worth mentioning, which is an excellent kick-start to writing online, is Ship 30 for 30. As an alum of this cohort-based course, it did push me to start writing online more consistently.
  • If you have the funds to invest in a coach, I highly recommend you do. Most successful people work with coaches to help them achieve their goals. For LinkedIn personal branding, I'd probably hire Jasmin (Jay) Alić or Lara Acosta to help me map out how to achieve maximum performance on LinkedIn.

What Next?

Currently, I am focused on completing and implementing the learnings from Justin Welsh's LinkedIn OS course.

While I have yet to take the rest of the courses outlined in this blog post, they are a list of courses I may take to level up my LinkedIn presence sometime in the future.

If you are on the same journey as I am, I hope it helps.

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